Vintage Bed Quilt That Will Give You Nightmares

It’s that age old horror story that sends shivers down the spines of collectors everywhere. The setting is a beautiful little neighborhood in an unidentified town. Here we find a man and a woman happily residing with their offspring. Everything is seemingly perfect, but mom has an itch to scratch. She decides it’s time to clean house and get rid of all the “old junk” that “never gets used”. Enter our unsuspecting victims, over 30 vintage rock tees. As with all tales of this nature, Goodwill is involved – but we quickly learn this plot development is only a red herring. The weapons of choice turn out to be a pair of scissors and a sewing machine. Yes, you’ve just crossed over in to The Twilight Zone.

08.31 UPDATE: When I first scribed this post I provided a link to the full story, but Christine over at the Living Cheap and Green blog deleted her entry. She probably got death threats for one of our readers. The moral of this story? The most environmentally friendly thing you can do with 30 vintage concert tees is to wear them (aka REUSE) not butcher them for a tacky bed quilt.