Marky Mark Wahlberg Gropes His Junky Bunch

worst vintage t-shirts

In this section I highlight the worst vintage t-shirts ever created. No, I don’t mean Bad in the 1980s Michael Jackson way … I mean: offensive, vile, in poor taste, politically incorrect, or just plain ugly.

marky mark and the funky bunch t-shirt

T-Shirt: Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

Type: Band

Offense: Warning, contains nudity and sexuality, viewer discretion is advised.

Uses: Wear it, I dare you. It takes reverse cool in to unchartered territories.

I totally respect Marky’s acting career but this t-shirt causes audiences more pain than Max Payne. What is he doing with his hands, giving himself an Italian Job? Even Dirk Diggler wouldn’t have the balls to release such filth.

Aside from this shirt being a MM&FB band tee, it’s wrong on multiple levels. For one, it’s an ugly 1990s all over print (which are kinda due for a comeback). The best/worst part is that Wahlberg is shirtless and making a lewd gesture, conveniently located on your chest.

For the first time in this section I actually highly suggest this t-shirt. If you get a kick out of the super lame, enjoy turning heads and offending people, this shirt is right up your alley. It trumps every t-shirt on our list of the “10 Worst Vintage Band T-Shirts You Must Wear”.

  • Check out the previous worst entry: vintage devo t-shirt.