Every few weeks we scour through eBay’s vintage t-shirt sales and report which relics are fetching top dollar. More reasons to raid your grandpa’s closet.

Click the links below to view the full eBay listing or the seller’s current inventory.
- 70s vintage Sunbury Deep Purple t-shirt sold for $500.00 by malayavintagejunkie
- 80s vintage Soft Cell Tainted Love t-shirt sold for $395.01 by Stormcrow-Vintage
- 80s vintage Butthole Surfers t-shirt sold for $390.00 by WyCo_Vintage
- 80s vintage Gene Loves Jezebell t-shirt sold for $345.51 Stormcrow-Vintage
- 70s vintage Sex Pistols t-shirt sold for $300.00 PuNKrEviVal
- 70s vintage Aerosmith t-shirt sold for $300.00 WyCo_Vintage
- View a previous edition where a Roxy Music t-shirt fetched top dollar.