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Let’s Be Good To Bad Otis

Bad Otis Link

Let’s Be Good To Bad Otis

In legendary vintage t-shirt artist news, Greg Link aka Bad Otis, suffered a series of strokes due to undetected hypertension. Sadly, he now has very limited mobility. In the weeks that followed, he’s made promising progress and it looks as though he’ll eventually regain full mobility! But that will take a lot of time – and for an artist that makes a living creating and selling art – it puts him in a bit of a financial pickle.

If you’re not super familiar with the name, you’ll surely be familiar with many of his designs that have become seriously sought after in recent years. It’s also well worth your time to read our 11 part interview with him.  Yes, 11 parts! He happily participated and also created the custom Otis/Defunkd logo you see above. Which is why this snippet from the GoFundMe campaign his pals are rallying around really hit home for us:

Otis is always there to help a friend.  Even if you don’t know him, he may have somehow helped you in the past.  He doesn’t walk by the hand of anyone in need without making a gesture.  That’s the kind of guy he is.  And even though he’d give the shirt off his back, Otis is very shy about fundraising for him.  But he knows he is blessed to have such a great community of friends to reach out to.  He knows that times are tough for everyone now.  Anything you can do to lend a hand, even just sharing this link would help, he would be eternally grateful.

Please hook a brother up. And if you do – you could consider skipping the GoFundMe campaign altogether and send the money direct to his PayPal ( using the “Friends and Family” option. That way he gets 100% of your donation. But if you’re interested in the full details of his campaign and what projects he was working on take a look here.

Bad Otis Link Fundraiser

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Jimmy founded Defunkd in 2004 when he started selling vintage t-shirts online. 20 years of experience later and he hasn't looked back since. Actually, he looks back all the time given he's a sucker for nostalgia. For more, check the history of Defunkd and Jimmy's Expertise.

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