Category: Bootlegs

Confessions of a 1970s Concert T-Shirt Bootlegger

Meet Gary “X”. By the way – the suspicious-looking guy above isn’t him. He’s just some random vintage dude whose face we blackbar’d to make this article more cloak and dagger-like. The photo is fake but Gary and his pioneering career as a bootlegger are legit. He began bootlegging as a teenager back in the 70s. He traveled throughout the U.S. learning the ins and outs of the intellectual property piracy trade. He knew when to hold ’em, when to fold ’em, knew when to walk away and when to run. Regardless of whether or not the artists received financial ... Read more

You Can’t Spot a Fake Vintage T-Shirt!

And now the chilling conclusion to the Can You Spot a Fake Vintage T-Shirt challenge. Could our vintage t-shirt loving readers correctly answer our poll on fake vintage t-shirts? Nope! Not very many of you did. Check out the fourth addition to our series of guides Vintage T-Shirts 104: How to “Spot” a Fake for the big reveal. After reading it you might say, “Hey! That’s not fair you tricked us!” Perhaps a little, but I just employed the exact same type of deception that these shifty vendors do, so let this be a lesson to ya! Take Our Poll