Category: Demonstration

Dry Rot: Can You un-pHuck Your T-Shirt?

What is Dry Rot? Surely you’ve done it. It’s mail day, and there’s a package with your name on it. You tear open the mailer and inside is that deadstock t-shirt you ordered last week. As you slip your arms through the holes and pull it over your head, you hear that unmistakable sound of fabric ripping. You’re not Hulk Hogan (hell, you’re not even Brooke Hogan), but somehow you’ve summoned the super-human strength to rip through a t-shirt like it’s Wrestlemania 3? It might be all of the steroids they’re putting in our chicken these days, but more than ... Read more

This is Tearable

If you’ve dealt in large quantities of vintage t-shirts before there’s no doubt you’ve experienced the horror of dry rot. What seems like a perfectly normal deadstock t-shirt can literally be torn like paper as demonstrated in the video below. We used to model our tees, and this is particularly gross when you try to put one of these on and it disintegrates on your body while kicking up a toxic dust storm that gets all up in your nostrils. Why does it happen? Theories have been floating around our forum, the strongest one thus far is by wax&threads who ... Read more