Category: News

Canada D’Eh

Today is birthday of glorious nation of Canada. Don’t forget to wear your old school tourist souvenir shirts (bonus points for beavers) and then top it off with a toque. But before you get carried away and start unnecessarily saying, “eh” remember, no vintage shirt collection is complete without at least one of the following iconic Canuck tees: 1. Terry Fox. He became famous for the “Marathon of Hope”, a cross-Canada run to raise money for cancer research. But here’s the kicker, the amazing feat was done with one prosthetic leg. He’s a Canadian hero and the Terry Fox Run continues to this day as one of the world’s ... Read more

Holy Shirt Blogs Batman

A few moons ago the crew over at Hide Your Arms released the most extensive list of t-shirt blogs on the net. At last count (November 12/07) they reported 65 of them. Six months later they have updated the list and that figure has more than doubled to 133. Ya, ya, we’re not very original, but hey, we’re the only exclusively vintage blog, so there!  And if you’re a vintage shirt lover, you most likely have love for all things T – so it’s definitely worth investigating the list.