Category: Books
The Ultimate Guide to Vintage T-Shirt Books

I’ve been on a mission for at least a decade to document all the vintage t-shirt books in the galaxy. When I first started my mission, a handful of books were published in the 2000s, but once the first wave of the vintage t-shirt gold rush was over, things went dark. So, I started to dig into the earliest t-shirt books I could find, which now all have vintage content by default. The oldest one I could find was from 1974, then 1978, and one from 1988, so we’re gonna go back, way back. However, vintage t-shirt books have picked ... Read more
Showco Showcase: Book Update

Several months back we did a 5-part series of interviews with Showco aficionado Jason Sprinzen, who owns the world’s largest collection of these rare shirts. During the interview, Sprinzen told us about his ongoing book project about the company. The project has now kicked into full gear, so we figured that we would catch up with Jason and see where things currently stand with his collection and book. For a refresher on our interview, check out here. SHOWCO Shirts Courtesy of the Jason Sprinzen Collection. Last we spoke you were the caretaker of 126 Showco shirts. And now? Yes, it has! ... Read more
Nike’s Irreverence Justified: Part 2
Like promised, every now and then I will upload some pages of the book Irreverence Justified (check that link – every so often one appears on eBay)…I know that a lot of people are just curious to see what’s in the book… I could go on for years, since the book has brought together more then 500 different nikemodels….here comes the second batch of pictures. Enjoy! On a side note: it isn’t that easy to make pictures of the pages, since the book is small but massive, and in a way fragile, since i don’t want to “break” the back ... Read more
Nike’s Irreverence Justified (2000)
In the years before entering into the new millennium, Nike, as did many other big corporations, were thinking how to celebrate this unique moment, and how to thank all the people that supported them over the years. A lot of ideas passed the table. From calendars to a recompilation of legendary nike spots for television. At the end, they did go for a book, since it has the big advantage to be able to give it, and a as result “Irreverence Justified” (check that link, it occasionally appears on eBay) was born. A massive book, almost literally like brick, which ... Read more
Irreverence Justified (2000)
Before I depart to London for a long weekend, take a look at this… I am now an owner of one the 2000 copies of “justified irreverence”… The ultimate Nike collectors book. Besides the design, it contains pictures and release dates of almost 600 Nike shoes, beginning from the early seventies (1972) until….. (there is no finish) In the following weeks I will share some more pictures…