Category: Shirts

Crypto News and What That Means For Vintage

Welcome to the first article written by Vintage DAO for Defunkd! The goal of these articles will be to give an update on what major things happened in crypto recently, as well as how those events are of specific importance to the vintage community. Even if you don’t know about crypto yet, you owe yourself the opportunity to at least learn about it and make your own decisions about its usefulness. Cryptography technology has the ability to change the world, and we are beginning to see major global adoption in recent months. How is this all relevant to vintage? As ... Read more

Vintage T-Shirt Heads Came to Their Census In 2022

Introduction The survey was made up of 35 questions that were primarily multiple-choice, many included an open field, as well as several open-ended questions for participants to express their opinions. 540 “vintage t-shirt heads” participated between January 6 to January 31 and were given the opportunity to win one of two vintage t-shirts or 1 of 50 gift cards. Defunkd and Citees conceived this survey to help tailor a forthcoming vintage t-shirt authentication app called Legiteem8. The survey was promoted through each company’s social network accounts, primarily through Instagram. Additionally, the survey got coverage on as well as promotion ... Read more

‘Tee Till Death’ Lives!

If you were a vintage t-shirt collector a decade ago you’ll probably remember the legendary t-shirt site “Tee Till Death.” It was conceived in 2009, during eBay’s vintage t-shirt heydays, you know, before the days of Instagram when vintage tee heads frequented blogs and forums. TTD had a team of writers churning out blog posts like there was no tomorrow. The site showcased a mix of vintage tees with some modern-ish stuff mixed in (which is vintage now, a decade later.) They had a particular obsession with hardcore, punk, and metal tees, but covered everything pretty thoroughly over the years, ... Read more

How to Authenticate a Vintage T-Shirt Using the Tag

The tag is one of your best allies in the vintage t-shirt authentication arena. It’s a stronger authenticity signal than single-stitching and a copyright combined, but authentication via the tag should always be done in conjunction with an analysis of the print. We’ll explain why below. Sewn-in Tags We have seen counterfeiters attempting to pass of t-shirts with genuine vintage tags installed from other shirts. It is, however, not very common – because it’s tough to do, seamlessly, pun intended. In most of the instances, I’ve seen it was super obvious – the seams are off – the tag is ... Read more

Take Our Survey for a Chance To Win a Vintage Tee or 1 of 50 Gift Cards

The year is 2022 and we need answers to some age-old questions about vintage t-shirts. Defunkd and Citees have teamed up to go inside the minds of vintage t-shirt heads. It’s about time we came to our census. What’s the actual definition of a true “vintage t-shirt” and “grail”? Can dry rot be cured? What’s the best stain remover? What’s the most liked vintage t-shirt tag? Are modern-printed original design vintage-inspired bootlegs accepted by the community? If you’ve ever wondered the answers to these and many other t-shirt related questions, well, we have the perfect survey for you. Complete it ... Read more