Category: Shoes

The “Out Of This World” Vintage Clothing Of E.T The Extra-Terrestrial

E.T The Extraterrestrial was a surprise sensation and adjusted for inflation still ranks as the 7th highest grossing film all-time. Allegedly set in northern California, the movie heavily features clothing from several popular pacific northwest clothing brands like Nike and The North Face. Since the movie doesn’t feature as many T-shirts as previous entries we’ll cover a variety of vintage clothing genres including the most expensive hoodie I’ve ever seen. 1. Greg’s Vintage Mystery Space T-Shirt Starting out with a stumper here. We searched high and low and couldn’t find an ID for this one. it doesn’t appear to be ... Read more

Nike Air Tech Challenge II

One of my favorite Nike’s and very hard to find!

Vans Breakers

Defunkd’s exclusive collection of vintage shoes for sale at reasonably exorbitant prices. Item #33: Vans Breakers Shoes Era: 1980s Circulation: Rarer than rare. Behold the Holy Grail of Breakdancing shoes. Actually as far as we’re aware they’re one of two vintage shoes to be specifically designed for breakdancing purposes. Both shoes were released by Vans under their Breakers line – this is the more popular #438 and at $45 was the more expensive of the two. #439 was a slightly more traditional shoe but it features side laces and a higher toe. Both are somewhat obscure items, never really mass-produced ... Read more

Vintage Heat!

Vintage Heat and Defunkd (in blog format) began around the same time in 2008 and we immediately became link partners given our mutual passion/obsession with vintage gear. Plus, a vintage tee and a pair of old Nikes is a damn complimentary style, a-la DJ AM, need we say more? I checked in with VH daily as Karl explored the trials and tribulations of collecting in the vintage Nike universe. eBay Buyer, seller, occasional wearer – Vintage Heat documents this niche hobby through the eyes of a Nike expert. But much to my and many readers’ dismay the blog went dormant ... Read more

Nike Air Challenge Court

I just sold these Nike Challenge Court from 1988-1989… It’s always sad to part from shoes you really like but I prefer them to be with somebody who enjoys them. These were really cool shoes, 100% wearable but not my size. I already have way too many shoes…. and having a room full with shoes you don’t even take out their boxes is a little bit silly. I’m at that stage that I don’t need anymore shoes to appreciate them. Also, it’s funny how much hatemail I receive through eBay auctions….I really don’t understand why these people bother to write ... Read more