Category: Showco

Showco Showcase: Book Update

Several months back we did a 5-part series of interviews with Showco aficionado Jason Sprinzen, who owns the world’s largest collection of these rare shirts. During the interview, Sprinzen told us about his ongoing book project about the company. The project has now kicked into full gear, so we figured that we would catch up with Jason and see where things currently stand with his collection and book. For a refresher on our interview, check out here. SHOWCO Shirts Courtesy of the Jason Sprinzen Collection. Last we spoke you were the caretaker of 126 Showco shirts. And now? Yes, it has! ... Read more

Meet the World’s Top Collector of Vintage Showco T-Shirts

Showco shirts. We’ve all seen these legendary tops that were a staple at any given rock concert in the 70s. Their gritty quality and blue-collar wearers helped amplify bands worldwide. All the road warriors proudly wore these shirts and occasionally you would see a band member wearing one as well.  But where did they come from? Who made them? Why in the world are they so expensive collectible? Meet Jason Sprinzen. He’s a native New Yorker, Led Zeppelin junkie, guitar playing music lover. Oh yeah, he also owns the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of Showco shirts. His knowledge ... Read more