Category: Trends

Vintage T-Shirt Heads Came to Their Census In 2022

Introduction The survey was made up of 35 questions that were primarily multiple-choice, many included an open field, as well as several open-ended questions for participants to express their opinions. 540 “vintage t-shirt heads” participated between January 6 to January 31 and were given the opportunity to win one of two vintage t-shirts or 1 of 50 gift cards. Defunkd and Citees conceived this survey to help tailor a forthcoming vintage t-shirt authentication app called Legiteem8. The survey was promoted through each company’s social network accounts, primarily through Instagram. Additionally, the survey got coverage on as well as promotion ... Read more

A Look Into the Delayed Demand For Vintage Country Tees

The lightning didn’t cause the storm. Sure, if you were only looking directly in front of you, the flash might have been the first sign of the storm that you recognized, but it had actually been slowly brewing in the distance for a while. The same goes for vintage tees. We see a flash like a celebrity wearing a vintage shirt and it’s easy to assume that caused the hype storm, but isn’t that just a little short-sighted? Enter Country Tees. Ah, the underdog of the vintage band tee family. Ignored, neglected, and butt of stereotypical jokes. Vintage Country t-shirts ... Read more