Category: Worst Shirts
Worst Harley T-Shirts Ever

We’ve spent years showcasing cool vintage Harley t-shirts. But today I feel a little embarrassed for doing so. The rice references in the last batch of offensive (yet expensive) Harley t-shirts we reported on push it, even in the 1980s. But these ones go a step beyond the ethnocentricity (nice way of saying kinda racist), sexual innuendo (nice way of saying pretty sexist) and swear words. Both of the t-shirts below are once again products of the Rocky Mountain Harley Dealership in Littleton Colorado. It still operates to this day. You have to wonder why a store would proudly print ... Read more
What Dat Is?
In this section I highlight the worst vintage t-shirts ever created. No, I don’t mean bad in the 1980s Michael Jackson way either, I mean offensive, vile, in poor taste, politically incorrect, or just plain ugly. T-Shirt: B-Rock & The Bizz “My Baby Daddy” Type: Band Offense: An ugly design only a mother could love. Uses: Attire for a Maury Povich paternity episode. At only 12 years of age this shirt doesn’t qualify under our definition of vintage. However, its crimes against the t-shirt and music community are so horrific it qualifies as a young offender and we want to ... Read more
Marky Mark Wahlberg Gropes His Junky Bunch
In this section I highlight the worst vintage t-shirts ever created. No, I don’t mean Bad in the 1980s Michael Jackson way … I mean: offensive, vile, in poor taste, politically incorrect, or just plain ugly. T-Shirt: Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch Type: Band Offense: Warning, contains nudity and sexuality, viewer discretion is advised. Uses: Wear it, I dare you. It takes reverse cool in to unchartered territories. I totally respect Marky’s acting career but this t-shirt causes audiences more pain than Max Payne. What is he doing with his hands, giving himself an Italian Job? Even Dirk Diggler ... Read more
Devo’s New Sleeveless Turtleneck Tradition
In this section I highlight the worst vintage t-shirts ever created. No, I don’t mean Bad in the 1980s Michael Jackson way … I mean: offensive, vile, in poor taste, politically incorrect, or just plain ugly. T-Shirt: Devo New Traditionalists Fan Club T-Shirt Type: Band Offense: Paradoxically Ugly Uses: You’re a member of Devo, OR, one of your hangers desperately needs a shirt on it. Don’t get me wrong, I love Devo and 99.9% percent of vintage Devo t-shirts. I love the trend-setting fashion gimmicks and uniforms they used. Truth be told, I’m actually wearing an Energy Dome as I ... Read more
Bloody Stools = Bloody Disgusting
In this section I highlight the worst vintage t-shirts ever created. No, I don’t mean Bad in the 1980s Michael Jackson way … I mean: offensive, vile, in poor taste, politically incorrect, or just plain ugly. T-Shirt: Bloody Stools Type: Band Offense: Gross-Out Uses: Toilet Rag Information on this band is tough to find, and even tougher to search through. If you Google them you’ll find a lot of medical diagnosis that’s more disgusting than the cover of their 1991 album. After weeding through all the crap, I finally find out they were a metal band…surprise, surprise, that was put ... Read more