Return of the Jedi “Blue Harvest” rainsuit

This two piece rainsuit was used by cast/crew during filming of Return of the Jedi (aka Blue Harvest) up in Northern California (redwoods), circa 1982.These suits are incredibly rare.

Return of the Jedi movie promotional giveaway

This shirt was a gift to patrons seeing the Return of the Jedi in Denver Colorado, 1983.What is great about this shirt is that it comes with the original ROTJ tote bag.

Vintage 1980s Revenge of the Jedi t-shirt

Revenge version before the title was changed to Return.

ILM Revenge of the Jedi crew sweatshirt.

ILM Revenge of the Jedi crew sweatshirt.

Yamato Shark Family t-shirt.

Mysterious Yamato Shark Family shirt.

Industrial Light & Magic Empire Strikes Back crew shirt.

ILM “Wind-up AT-AT” shirt given out to the crew working on Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. This particular shirt pictured was obtained directly from an ex-ILM employee who worked on the film; it has never been worn.

Rare ILM (Star Wars) “Special Effects” Crew Jacket

These were given out to the Industrial Light and Magic visual effects crew in the late 1970s-early 1980s.These are very scarce.

Vintage Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Bounty Hunters T-Shirt

The Empire strikes Back Bounty Hunters t-shirt.

Vintage Bootleg Darth Vader t-shirt

Here is a third version of a bootleg shirt that has, what I call, the double-triple star logo.

Any one seen these before?… or know the country of origin on these shirts?

Vintage Star Wars “Star Tours” t-shirt

This quintessential 1980s Star Tours t-shirt features some old characters, and some characters never seen before (for good reason.)

Always VFX crew shirt

Crew shirt made for the VFX crew (special effects composite group) working on Always.

Vintage Skywalker Ranch sweatshirt

Skywalker Ranch Sweatshirt.

Vintage 1980s Lucasfilm Maniac Mansion sweatshirt.

Lucasfilm Maniac Mansion sweatshirt.