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"Game Worn" Goods? Chicago Bears Jersey

Post by jimmyj »

I'm completely clueless as to the game-worn items that are fetching high amounts.

Here's a good example: ... 3a6f25ac47

Can someone clarify how it's known an item is "game-worn" ? Is it because a certain jersey that was only made available to players? and the jersey has some wear that's typical of game play?

In the instance above - the vendor details that it could have been worn by 3 different players - so I gather that 3 players shared this number within the era of this jersey?

But if you can't say for certain which one it was - how can you claim that it was ever worn by any of them, or even during a game for that matter? I'm not questioning this seller's honesty - followed them for years and even met them in person - always quality stuff and great reputation.

But a lot of this stuff seems to be based on assumptions - I always think as to what the guys from Pawn Stars would say - "It's a nice story but without official documentation it doesnt factor in to the price..." But it usually does on eBay.

Anywho, some lessons from some vintage sports guys would be much appreciated!
"Game Worn" Goods? Chicago Bears Jersey
bears.jpg (147.04 KiB) Viewed 10917 times
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Re: "Game Worn" Goods? Chicago Bears Jersey

Post by Johnny65 »

Sports memorabilia is a whole other world of vintage collectibles I know nothing about.

Good point Jimmy. Unless there is something in writing or a signature on the jersey itself how could it be authenticated?

Sometimes I feel like all these shows (American Pickers, Pawn Stars, Storage Wars, etc..) have created more confusion for the average person than actually inform and educate potential collectors, sellers and buyers. Consequently there are hundreds of misrepresented listings on eBay.

It's taken years to be an informed collector of vintage t-shirts.

O well..c'est la vie
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Re: "Game Worn" Goods? Chicago Bears Jersey

Post by Inmind »

From the little bit of research that I've done - specifically about NBA - I know Champion and other brands use to put a tag inside of NBA shorts and jerseys in the 90's that designated it was for team use. Now as for actually being game worn who knows...

here is a pair of shorts made for the Bulls as seen on the tag ... 7675.l2557

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Re: "Game Worn" Goods? Chicago Bears Jersey

Post by jimmyj »

I asked a vintage dealer who I see regularly. He said that most game worn claims are with jerseys that were only ever made available to the players. Typically the older ones when fans didn't have access to any type of team jerseys.

But still "game worn" seems a little misleading without proper documentation / provenance.
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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