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Is this tag from the 80?

Post by willitwas0 »

Hello. Is anyone familiar with the brand "t-connections" for band shirts? Are these from the 80's? Thanks!

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Re: Is this tag from the 80?

Post by jimmyj »

Upload a photo of it - there are thousands of labels some we know just by their design. Upload tab under each text edit box.
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:38 am

Re: Is this tag from the 80?

Post by willitwas0 »

Sorry, I couldn't get the seller to send a picture of the tag. Probably for the best because they had some serious feedback issues. I have another question about tags. Does anyone know if Nike Jordan shirts were made in Honduras in the early 90's?

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Re: Is this tag from the 80?

Post by Frank »

I'm no Nike expert, but a vast majority t-shirts were made in the USA until NAFTA took effect in 1994. Manufacturers began to globally source t-shirts around that time.

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Re: Is this tag from the 80?

Post by chasemac »

Frank is right on about the NAFTA effect. This has been a huge ordeal with laborers in third world countried for nearly 15 years now. Nike has been through a lot of shit with labor laws and what not. In doing research a little while back I learned that a couple factories i Honduras that Nike was highly involved with were shutdown due to workers not getting paid and what not. Anyway, Nike definitely had t-shirts coming from all over the place in the mid 90s, especially with the Jordan brand due to its popularity. In my eyes the value of a shirt in the vintage world as far as Nike is concerned takes a dive if it was not made in the US. That's a tall tell sign that it is not actually vintage. Nike is an american story that became an american icon. Some of their tactics still today are questioned, but to me it's all business. It's the same stuff a lot of us vintage suppliers go through in attempting to buy low and sell high. Basically it's the oldest game in the book.

I am curious to know the seller who is selling the t-connection tees. I might have a clue.

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