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Posts: 24
Joined: Thu May 27, 2010 5:43 pm

who is this??

Post by musboy20 »

can anyone identify who's face is this??
who is this??
Untitled.jpg (71.48 KiB) Viewed 5302 times

lord ched
Posts: 130
Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:33 am

Re: who is this??

Post by lord ched »

No idea who the dude is, but the style suggests Barbara Kruger. She's a political artist who was big in the 80s/90s and is most famous for this picture, which you could not avoid if you were anywhere near the fine arts department of a college or university.

She did a lot of work with photomontage and typography, and is insanely influential. My guess is that this is a hommage/ripoff by an independent hipster designer.

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Re: who is this??

Post by jimmyj »

good eye!
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

Posts: 24
Joined: Thu May 27, 2010 5:43 pm

Re: who is this??

Post by musboy20 »

thanks Lord Ched..i knew Barbara Kruger..but when it come in different color, i can't catch it..your comment is really helpful. Do you think this shirt is worthy? faded tag, probably from late 80s/early 90s..

lord ched
Posts: 130
Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:33 am

Re: who is this??

Post by lord ched »

Hard to say. Unless you know the outfit who put it out, and they have a bit of a name, my guess is not much. It's not actually Kruger, whose shirts actually command a couple of bucks, but if you mention it's Kruger-inspired, you might get $25. Never actually tested the theory, tho- you could experiment and see if the style itself has retro-appeal, though I'm betting the cutesy Tom-Petty-video checkerboard pattern would earn a few stern looks from diehard Krugeroids.

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