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Re: charles manson t-shirt signed by gg allin

Post by zargosh »

I've been reading through old posts and just came across this. I was not a gg fan, but I happened to be at his last show. It was at some place on the lower east side called the gas station, or gaslight, or gasoline alley. Gas something. I never actually made it inside, which was fine, because it was clearly chaos with shit and blood being thrown around, and people running out of the club and up the street. It's a long story, so if anyone's interested, let me know and I'll post the details.

Otherwise, my recollection is that gg was supposed to kill himself at a halloween show in chicago. He was going to have a six gun revolver, shoot five of the audience members, and then use the last bullet for himself. I had a friend of a friend who was hoping to be one of the five lucky audience members to catch a bullet. People are nuts.

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