T-Shirts submitted below will be considered for future editions of "Grails Gone Wild" on our Instagram account. Please include which IG account you'd like credited, or we'll default to your defunkd username. Thank you.
Show off vintage t-shirts here to be consideration in our Grails Gone Wild roundup.
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Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by jimmyj »

You're on a boat! A massive cruise ship actually and you're just getting out of the shower when the emergency alarm starts sounding off. The captain announces the ship's hull has been critically damaged by a cannon ball from a pirate ship. "Drop everything you're doing and calmly make your way to the life boats in an orderly fashion. This is not a drill. Women and the disabled will be seated first. Leave immediately. Do not bring luggage or valuables, only you and the clothes you're wearing will be permitted on the lifeboat!" he cautions.

"Fuckin' great!" you exclaim as you look over at your luggage which contains your cherished collection of vintage t-shirts. "I knew I shouldn't have brought all my best shirts! No one on this geriatric boat even has any clue how cool I actually am. That's the last time I book with 'Senior Cruise', I thought it was 'Senor Cruise' - like Spanish for Mr. Cruise..." you ramble on while digging through your collection.

Get a hold of yourself man! There's much more important things to worry about than your piss poor ability to book a vacation - like saving your best t-shirt from certain death. At that very moment there's a knock at your door - it's the ship security personnel and they're directing you to vacate your room.

You only have time to put one t-shirt on your still bare torso. Which would you choose and why?

In the event of a real emergency we should all be prepared when faced with a tough decision of this nature.

Please post a photo of the shirt you would choose.
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by jimmyj »

My selection would be this Magnum P.I. t-shirt that was given to the production staff to commemorate the show.

Plus, Magnum was excellent at treading water - he did it for over 24 hours once. It would bring me good luck if I had to do so.
Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...
magnum.gif (60.31 KiB) Viewed 14898 times
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by StivTaters »

Great shirt! ...and, your mustache will work as a flotation device....is there anything a mustache can't do?

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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by jimmyj »

There's no time to talk about the numerous feats that can be accomplished with a 'stache! Post a shirt StivTaters...if that's even your real name.

...I'm curious to see your selection.
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

lord ched
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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by lord ched »

To be honest, it would be my Gary Numan... but as I waxed autistic about that on the blog, here's the biggest, best, and funnest score I ever made at a thrift store: Run-DMC!

I'm wearing my Adidas right now... though Reebok Pumps would prove to be better flotation devices. I live dangerously.
Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...
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Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...
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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...


jimmyj wrote:My selection would be this Magnum P.I. t-shirt that was given to the production staff to commemorate the show.
I have a question for you. I've noticed that you also have a star wars t-shirt that was given to the staff on set.

Assuming that you pickup our tees at factories in scarborough, etc how do you find out the provenance of these items? Or are your sources elsewhere?
Have vintage Elvis tees? Let me know!

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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by jimmyj »

I don't pick at warehouses anymore - gave that up in the early stages of Defunkd. Raghouses aren't a reliable source of band tees which was what my customers wanted. You can pick all day and find lots of great tees but band tees are a needle in a haystack.

Most of my stock recently has come from deadstock inventory. That particular Star Wars shirt I bought direct from one person who explained its history.
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by StivTaters »

I deliberated long and hard over this (that's what she said) (sorry) decision and while i have others that are worth a lot more, this Halloween 4 shirt finally got the nod for a couple reasons:
1. It was just Halloween a few days ago. 2. you think a shark wants a roundhouse to the side of the head when i'm wearing this bad boy? i don't think so.

This second shirt is my fiance's submission. Her uncle was a biker and this was his gang's shirt back in the 70's. It's broken in perfectly..super thin with holes and stains. Her uncle's friend recently showed us his own norpoint vigilantes shirt which had a bullet hole in it. He was wearing it at the time the hole was made....and here i get upset when i get a coffee stain on mine.
Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...
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Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...
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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by jimmyj »

that is sweet. never trust a biker t-shirt in mint condition.

the 1980s tee designers loved putting the word "back" on the back.
Jimmy J

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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by Johnny65 »

Two thumbs up on the 70's Vigilantes Norpoint tee! Nice and worn.
collective [kəˈlɛktɪv]

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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by thegleaner »

this is my dads shirt from when he was in the foreign service and stationed in La Paz, Bolivia (1982-1985). i was only 2-4 at the time, but i have some flashes of memory of life there. this was my first vintage t-shirt.
Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...
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Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...
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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by jimmyj »

nice - yeah that's a keeper - sentimental value is priceless.
Jimmy J

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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by hermosavtg »

A little late to the discussion, but time has told me that I cannot bear to be apart from Miss Mudflaps USA. In what state is it legal for a person to marry a t-shirt? :P


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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by jimmyj »

http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dl ... 0129089226

It's legal everywhere in Canada...meet my future wife.
Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...
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Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Re: Choose One T-Shirt From Your Collection...

Post by nicotine »

i chose this 80's champion woolich t-shirt. FROCKY woolich SHEEP on front and back.
i possess several old or vintage champion t-shirts and this is most favorite one of all. this woolich design is not that rare and i know two types of champion's woolich
design including this.

im not sure what you guys do for living, if you sell old stuff on e-bay to japanese or deal with japanese, i hope my showing off stuffs will be helpful for your business.

i think champion t-shirt is the best one in vintage world.
back print
back print
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front print
front print
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champion 80's tag
champion 80's tag
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