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Varg Vikernes, Burzum, The guy who is a legend for no reason

Post by TomOfThorsgarden »

Some of you guys and girls know about the scene i Norway that today still get new fans.

One of the famous and without competition the biggest idiot, Varg Vikernes. For the scene he managed to do 1 good song. He burned some churches and killed the only nember in Mayhem who at the had talent. Now Varg driving in his car talking neo Nazi shit and his hate religion. I kept it for one reason, and think it is pretty funny. Its a second print i believe and some pay good for it

I paid 1$ for it in a second hand Shop for Pentecostal Church in Sweden, Pingstkyrkan

Other. A nice Burzum shirt and the white one my best gig shirt last 5 years
Varg Vikernes, Burzum, The guy who is a legend for no reason

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Re: Varg Vikernes, Burzum, The guy who is a legend for no reason

Post by jimmyj »

Thanks for sharing. I had no idea any of this drama existed! I just googled him and Kanye West wore one of this shirts? What the hell is going on, this is why I stay away from the news. Why is Kayne wearing an admitted white supremist's t-shirt?!

Back in 2014 eBay banned some of his materials, but apparently they lifted that ban.

I'm looking at past sales, if you search t-shirts with his name, you get a few still selling in the $300 range. And in the title they put 1Burzum, I guess to throw off some sort of keyword listing ban?
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Joined: Fri Aug 09, 2024 7:09 pm

Re: Varg Vikernes, Burzum, The guy who is a legend for no reason

Post by TomOfThorsgarden »

The story about a small community of friends up in Norway and creating a new sound of extreme metal and at the same time period around 3-4 years start to burn churches, 3 brutal murders, one Suicide is one of the most strange and at time do music that gonna influence band for many more years.

Have also see Kanye with Burzum i cant see any reason for it,but his mental illness an maybe make people upset or some strange ironic.

Selling you need masking som letters. Normal i can think its silly. But Varg Vikernes has a position in extreme organisations.And doing profit with his name is something if your mind speaks not the dollars its impossible. But ofcourse, lets say i get 500$ for it get in contact with an organisation volunters helping people in this unfair world and at last i do like KLF, getting some media attention , but burn the shirt in some way Varg Vikernes lost as much dignety and followers as possible. Lets say togheter with Cronos from Venom.

That would a perfect end of my shirt:):)

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