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burst of the t-shirt bubble

Post by hermosavtg »

Reminds me of comic books circa late 1980's early 1990's, when they were seen as "investment" collectibles. Now you can't even give most of those books away. The same situation applies to most antique/modern furniture and collectibles. When you can get a "modern inspired" lamp at Ikea for $14.95, most people are less likely to spend a little more on an original vintage piece.

With $6 t-shirts flooding the market its difficult to get even $12 for a regular legit vintage tee (that term vintage is bandied about liberally also), And how much of this new stuff is going straight to 3rd world resale or lining landfills?

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Re: burst of the t-shirt bubble

Post by Frank »

That's just gross.

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Re: burst of the t-shirt bubble


Wow, from a consumer standpoint that's fantastic. I love those skeleton and tuxedo tees and $6 is unbeatable.
Have vintage Elvis tees? Let me know!

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Re: burst of the t-shirt bubble

Post by jimmyj »


Sorry, I had to disable the hotlink...a link from a t-shirt related site to another t-shirt site is a vote of popularity in Google terms...I wont sleep well knowing we would actually be helping them rank better. :cry:
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Re: burst of the t-shirt bubble

Post by hermosavtg »

Sorry Jimmy. To be clear I am in no way promoting this $6 t-shirt website. I was a little beside myself when I saw the banner ad promoting that site, and I needed to vent. Thanks for the forum!

Yes Bubba from a consumer standpoint 20 Chicken McNuggets for $1 is a great deal too.

If they sell a t-shirt for $6 shipped I don't see how it's possible for them to make more than $2 profit on each shirt. Perhaps its just a clearing house for all the other "ironic t-shirt" websites?

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Re: burst of the t-shirt bubble

Post by jimmyj »

dude no worries...sorry - the SEO freak in me just couldn't fathom contributing to them ranking better...incoming links boost the rankings of the destination site beyond the traffic they receive from the actual clicks. I'm a geek, I'll shut up now.

People should definitely visit...and shed a tear, thanks for posting.
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Re: burst of the t-shirt bubble


It may just be their business model, low margins and high volume. It sure beats waiting for the right customer. They needn't be a clearing house.

Whatever the case, it's a game changer. Few people would be willing to admit that McDonalds offers high quality food, but they nonetheless are a fixture in almost every major city in the world, but it's things like this that give momentum to people who promote responsible consumer practices like fairtrade/vintage etc.
Have vintage Elvis tees? Let me know!

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