I thought it would never happen, but it looks as though it may be true.
Please let me know if you notice anything. And thanks for everyone's help and patience in the last few months.
Jimmy J
(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)
Nope. I had tried to list a shirt yesterday and it didn't go through. I can't remember what the problem was and I was listing it for $1 anyway, so I couldn't really be bothered.
Hmmmmm...wish you could be more specific so we could look in to the issue...first I have heard of problems while listing.
Anyone else have a similar problem?
Jimmy J
(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)
(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)
Hmmm never noticed this happening - is it occurring while you're in the middle of doing something or after visiting another site/taking a break and not using your computer? maybe it has a time out logout.
thanks for all the listings by the way!
Jimmy J
(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)
So far only after not using the site for a while, but usually only maybe 30 minutes or so. And I'm not closing the browser, navigating away or anything like that.
I'll ask the developers - prob. some time-out setting...which means the "stay signed in" button box isnt working. thanks
Jimmy J
(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)
They look really low quality and blurry. I dont understand why since my source images are good quality (can't link them in the message since this forum only allows me to post one URL per post!?)
I've tried re-uploading them, and even changing the file names to no avail. I've not had this problem with any other listing.
I've noticed a similar bug with the login/logout. Whenever I go to reply to something on the forum, it's directing me to a login page. I'll login in with all the correct details, and then it will redirect me to another page, where I'm asking to log in again. It works fine after I log in for the second time.
The interface looks different on each login in page. The first is similar to the older login form, and the second page looks more like the collective login page.
Thanks guys - yeah I've noticed a few weird login issues as you describe too.
I know it's a lot to ask - but if you can recreate/detail the exact process when it occurs then I can pass it along to be fixed - then the developers can duplicate the process experience the issue themselves.
You definitely should never be seeing the old forum login.
@Hermosa The issue you're having with images seems to be specific to rich red t-shirts I believe? Are there any others you've listed that give that digitized/low quality effect? What ever compression the system is using isn't good at handling red - I checked a few other dark red listings and it's the same issue.
I scanned through a bunch of your other tees and couldn't find any that stuck out like that one.
Lemme know, thanks!
Jimmy J
(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)
Found a couple typos:
in the color select tab it's spelled "tie-die"
also in the banner upload part in the settings page "banner please upload an imagine exactly" should be "image" no?
Ok must be red messing with the compression somehow - I've had this same issue with my camera too - red stuff is always off. Noted though.
I just fixed Tie Dye - also - I fixed the forum 1 link per message issue - that was put in place while I was trying to thwart the spammers.
Lots of spelling and grammar stuff for sure - making one big list for them to fix.
Jimmy J
(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)
(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)
Whenever I try to reply to a post on the forum while not signed in, I'm taken to a login page, shown in the screenshot below. I'll sign in and then be redirected to a newer looking login page where I can then successfully login.
Screen shot 2012-01-15 at 10.23.29 PM.png (74.22 KiB) Viewed 8488 times
Very helpful, I remember this happening to me - just couldn't figure out how I got to it. Thanks
Jimmy J
(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)