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Smashing Pumpkins on Giant Tultex, Tee Jays and Tultex, same value?

Post by youngjin2025 »

Hello, I'm still studying Korean culture because there is not much improvement in vintage T-shirts yet.

I have a question. Is it worth the same if it's the same product as in the picture but the tags are different?
Smashing Pumpkins on Giant Tultex, Tee Jays and Tultex, same value?
Smashing Pumpkins on Giant Tultex, Tee Jays and Tultex, same value?
Smashing Pumpkins on Giant Tultex, Tee Jays and Tultex, same value?
비교3.jpg (47.53 KiB) Viewed 1103 times
Smashing Pumpkins on Giant Tultex, Tee Jays and Tultex, same value?
비교4.jpg (58.21 KiB) Viewed 1103 times
Smashing Pumpkins on Giant Tultex, Tee Jays and Tultex, same value?
비교5.jpg (32.99 KiB) Viewed 1103 times
Smashing Pumpkins on Giant Tultex, Tee Jays and Tultex, same value?
비교6.jpg (55 KiB) Viewed 1103 times

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Re: Smashing Pumpkins on Giant Tultex, Tee Jays and Tultex, same value?

Post by jimmyj »

That's a great question. At the moment, I don't think, if these three t-shirts were all the same size, but with different tags, that there would be much of a difference in the price.

Some people prefer some vintage t-shirt brands over others, but I don't think it would equate to being much more valuable.

Now, it could be that certain prints on certain tags might be more rare, and at some point variants like that could start to be sought after and translate into being more valuable.

But that era isn't here yet. Maybe in the next 5-10 years.
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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