Can I Make a Vintage T-Shirt a Size Bigger?
January 21, 2009If you’re a vintage tshirt enthusiast then you probably have a t-shirt or two that’s a...
Nike MAG (1989)
January 21, 2009You can’t have a vintage Nike Blog without including the Nike Air MAG! Nike “Mag” because...
Nike Tees and Sneakers
Breaking Midsoles
January 20, 2009Breaking midsoles…be careful when you wear your kicks… (pictures from
You Can’t Spot a Fake Vintage T-Shirt!
January 19, 2009And now the chilling conclusion to the Can You Spot a Fake Vintage T-Shirt challenge. Could our vintage...
Nike Tees and Sneakers
Nike Air Huarache Light (1993)
January 19, 2009I have owned several pairs of vintage Huarache Lights and I all sold them because they...