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Bid for a Rockstar Roommate

wagswayzThis week’s strange and unusual eBay auction comes from the lead singer (left) of a rock band titled, WAGSWAYZ. He has generously offered to come live in your home for one week if you bid at least $300. Interested? I was until I realized that he doesn’t do drugs and rarely drinks. What fun is that?

Also keep in mind you’re responsible for paying to have him flown in from Indiana. Damn, costs are staring to add up here and now I just really have my heart set on a creepy stranger living at my house. I’m thinking it might be cheaper to just pick up a hobo with a harmonica on the way home from work. Hold the phone… upon further review of the auction I realize he’s sweetened the deal! If he writes a song during his stay that ends up becoming a hit you’ll receive 40% of the royalties, and he already has radio play!

wagsways description




  1. Ebay hot items

    July 31, 2008 at 11:00 am

    Very interesting blog, i have added it to my fovourites, greetings

  2. brian wagswayz wagaman

    August 4, 2008 at 8:32 am

    Hey, this is me. Wagswayz. Thank you for blogging my e-bay auction! Although nobody purchased me, it was awesome to see that there was a lil interest!

  3. jimmyj

    August 4, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    Best case scenario you somehow manage to get Nikki Sixx to spit on your shirt, then auction yourself wearing the shirt! hehe

    Hey man, thanks a lot for being a good sport about it!

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