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How Do You Remove Stains From Vintage T-Shirts?

stain removal guide

Please step aside, TV-commercial-mom-plagued-by-ring-around-the-collar, you wouldn’t stand a chance against a vintage stain. They’re the toughest around; they’ve had 15+ years to set in and have since been cured numerous times in the dryer. Here’s the kicker: the perpetrator of the stain already attempted to remove it when it was fresh. They failed, and folded. Hey, don’t complain – that’s probably why the t-shirt is now in your possession.

I polled the majority of the sellers from our 20 Best Spots to Buy Vintage T-Shirts asking for their top-secret techniques. As a vendor myself I thought I had heard it all. But I was very impressed with their feedback and you will be too. Some of this information will help you safely restore your vintage tees’ original sheen.

While I’m compiling the Ultimate Vintage T-Shirt Stain Removal Guide, I welcome you to chime-in with your best tips. If your answer is one that I have yet to hear, I’ll include it in the guide, credit you and link to your company (if it’s t-shirt related). The never-ending battle against stains shall be a community effort.

So how do you fight stains? Please discuss below. Name your stain and your solution.

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  1. Hermosa_Vintage

    February 7, 2009 at 10:16 pm

    Two words:
    Oxy Clean

  2. frank

    February 8, 2009 at 12:11 am

    Oxy Clean works wonders, as does the Shout stain stick thing where you squeeze out gel and then sort of brush it in.

    Good idea for an article!

  3. John K.

    February 8, 2009 at 6:56 pm

    Oxy Clean, Shout Gel and scalding hot water.

  4. smeejay

    February 10, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    northern irish descent+growing up in florida=skin cancer. and i collect vintage tees. so ask me how to remove blood! if still a fresh blood stain, cold running water will do the trick. NEVER HOT, as it will cook and set the stain. for set blood stains it’s oxy clean again to the rescue. and again ALWAYS cold water with blood. sometimes a 24hr. soak is needed but always seems to work. good luck!

  5. John K.

    February 11, 2009 at 6:55 pm

    Smeejay, not sure what your lifestyle is like to be so versed in how to remove fresh blood stains.

    Maybe back in 1979 when I was hitting Black Flag, Circle Jerks or Dead Kennedys gigs in L.A. this info would have been helpful, but thanks anyways.

  6. robbie

    February 13, 2009 at 2:54 pm

    So far the best way is to use a mixture of cleaning items: use shout ultra gel spray (not the normal shout, why a company would make an ultra, and still sell a regular strength always baffled me), for best results spray and let soak at least one day…it will not harm the material or color in any way, after one day, respray and let it soak again…then wash in uber hot water with reg detergent, and oxy clean powder or liquid…if all else fails….just wear it with the stain, it adds character…

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