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And The Award For Best T-Shirts in a Movie…

susan mathesonMeet costume designer Susan Matheson, Tinseltown’s go-to gal when a flick calls for a vintage t-shirt wardrobe. Her recent work on Step Brothers caused a frenzy of fans searching for the vintage Converse t-shirt John C. Reilly wore throughout the movie. Wondering where you can get one? Read on. I first met Susan while she was browsing through our store a few years ago. Yes, we’re happy a shirt we provided made a 15 second cameo in the film. Oh, and Susan has many times seen Will Ferrell in his undies, but then again, who hasn’t?

What’s your all-time favorite t-shirt and the rarest one you own?

Right now I have a fantastic Ice Cube “Wanted by FBI” t-shirt that I can’t get enough of. I tried to use it in the film “Friday Night Lights” but Ice Cube wouldn’t give me permission, so instead it has become my favourite sleep shirt. The most valuable t-shirt I own was made by “World’s End”, Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood‘s label from the early 1980s. I dragged my mother to the World’s End store and bought one of the t-shirts from the Pirates collection in London in 1981 when I was a teenager. My older brother had bought “Never Mind The Bollock’s Here’s The Sex Pistols” on the street in London in 1977 and even though I was a kid at the time, from that moment on the Punk Rock movement and Malcolm McLaren sparked my imagination. A couple of years ago I saw my beloved t-shirt on the market for about $1200.

Tell us a little bit about the process of dressing actors for a film.

It is impossible for me to find enough originals of these shirts in their sizes to be able to use in the movie as I often need as many as 12 of them. I have photo doubles, stunt doubles and the actor wearing the same item at the same time when we are shooting. This is why I have to manufacture enough multiples of the t-shirt in the correct sizes to be able to use them.

When I recreate a vintage t-shirt I have to copy it exactly, as otherwise I will never get the legal clearances that I need to be able to use it in a film. For example, the Yoda t-shirt that John C. Reilly wears in Step Brothers. This was a terribly expensive shirt to copy, it required about 15 screens eventually to get the print right.

will ferrell crystal gayle t-shirtAll of the t-shirts that I have used on Will Ferrell have had to be recreated by me for him. A lot of my favourite t-shirts were originally meant for kids or women, so the sizes were always terribly wrong for him, as he is 6’4″. I’ll never forget the baby pink Crystal Gayle t-shirt that I used on him in Talladega Nights. I had purchased it at a thrift store in North Carolina and I loved it immediately as it was both so right and so wrong. Not only was the t-shirt pink, but her hair and lips were glitterized. Will loved it so much that he wore the Crystal Gayle t-shirt to the world premiere of Talladega Nights.

There’s a lot of red tape involved in getting permission to use a t-shirt in a film, can you break down the process? I was surprised to see so much Star Wars stuff.

I still can’t believe that Lucas film gave legal approval to Sony studios for the use of the Yoda t-shirt as well as the pajama pants that I made for Will from old Star Wars sheets. I was absolutely sure that they would never ever say yes as the Star Wars films were produced by 20th Century Fox. I started off with about 30 different Star Wars t-shirts and then narrowed it down to my favourite, the Yoda t-shirt.

On Step Brothers, I submitted legal clearance forms for well over 100 t-shirts and in the end only got clearance on about 20. It’s always the t-shirts that you think are going to be a sure thing that don’t get approved.

I have received fascinating letters from bands who have refused my t-shirt requests. One of the best refusal letters was from the remaining members of Nirvana. They wrote a very heartfelt personal letter about why they didn’t want to let me use the Nirvana smile t-shirt. On the other hand there are bands like AC/DC who always always approve requests for t-shirts and those are the very bands that I will never use in one of my films. If I see another film with a teenager wearing an AC/DC t-shirt I will have to gag. It’s become so cliche and it always tells me that people didn’t want to have to struggle to get something cool and different into the film. I always want to use something that people are surprised by and that they kind of have forgotten, but when they see it they have a warm and fuzzy feeling about it. I loved the Pablo Cruise t-shirt in Step Brothers for this very reason. Everyone who saw it paused for a moment and then said, wow, I remember them. I have since started up a correspondence with the lead singer of Pablo Cruise who was thrilled when his son saw it on Will.

What can you tell us about the Converse t-shirt John C. Reilly wore in Step Brothers?

john c reilly step brothers converse t-shirtIt was quite difficult getting the crazy Converse Sneaker t-shirt into Step Brothers, but this is the one that everyone asks me about. It was a child’s t-shirt that I became obsessed with. The minute I found it I knew that I had to put it in a movie.  Unfortunately no one agreed with me and in fact they probably thought I was having a bad bad taste day, as opposed to a good bad taste day. Eventually everyone surrendered because I had driven them crazy about it and had exhausted them into submission. If I love a t-shirt then I become like a snappy snarling dog with a bone, so I am thrilled to know that other people thought it was cool as well. Of course when the film comes out it’s usually the t-shirt that had the most bitter battles that is the one that everyone remembers and loves.

How far will you go to get a shirt?

Anytime I leave town on a road trip I will stop and hunt at local thrift stores. Some of my best Americana t-shirts I have actually found in foreign countries like New Zealand, believe it or not. I have to admit that I am ruthless when it comes to vintage t-shirts. My friends will never let me forget the time that I paid an old lady for the t-shirt that she was wearing. I went into a store with her and bought her a new shirt in exchange. It’s not that I’m ruthless because I personally want to own every fantastic t-shirt in the world, it’s more like I want to spread the t-shirt gospel and show people what amazing stuff is still out there.

susan matheson costume designer

Want to buy a tee? Check out The 20 Best Spots to Buy Vintage T-Shirts on eBay.

Check out our last interview with The Godfather of vintage heavy metal t-shirts.

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  1. Dana

    February 23, 2009 at 5:56 am

    This is so wonderful! Of course one watches a film like Step Brothers (which was the feel-good movie of 2008, if you ask me) and you know *someone* must be behind all the costumes and going to great lengths to make sure they work, but what you don’t know is the process of bringing it all to life– and that someone actually has one of the coolest jobs in the world. This little interview was another eye opener for me. XOX to you, J, and Susan!

  2. frank

    February 23, 2009 at 8:25 am

    A woman after my own heart. How do i get a job like this?

  3. kat

    February 23, 2009 at 9:55 am

    That was a great post Jimmy!I never thought of all the legal issues behind each piece. Wow, that must be a nightmare!

  4. kd

    February 24, 2009 at 5:22 am

    I loved how she provided so many interesting details I never knew before. Amazing post, J!

  5. Travis

    February 28, 2009 at 11:29 am

    I don’t understand why you need to clear a tee for a movie… effing lawyers.

  6. Brittany Simons

    March 31, 2009 at 10:52 am

    Susan, I REALLY REALLY want THAT exact converse shirt from stepbrothers- I will pay you WHATEVER! i just LOVEEEE it so much- ok everyone in the nation loves this shirt. Buut please let me know how i can get one what i have to do. PLeASE. Thank you so much.

  7. Candace

    April 16, 2009 at 11:39 pm

    Hello, do you have anymore of those Converse shirts up for sale for your charity? My boyfriends bday is coming up and I’d love to get it for him. Please let me know :+)

  8. Jimmy J

    April 19, 2009 at 7:36 pm

    Hey there – we’ve not yet done the auction – subscribe to our email list and you’ll be the first to hear about it.

  9. Brian

    June 19, 2009 at 11:08 pm

    I feel like it’s been so long since this was posted. It’d be great if you didn’t do the auction yet. I signed up for the newsletter but I don’t know if it already happened. I eould really like one of those shirts. If you did, is there another way to get one. If not, would someone please let me know that signing up for the newsletter helped? Thanks.

  10. Pingback: Tips for getting tee shirts into entertainment industry - T-Shirt Forums

  11. Jarod

    July 6, 2009 at 3:29 pm

    non-sense!!!! if you think this movie had good vintage tee picks go and watch gummo yeah gummo the movie it’s crazier than bird shit on a windshield too.

  12. Edgar

    July 15, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    Hey is there any way I can get that shirt where it says Why not me?

  13. lewis

    September 3, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    were can i get the star wars tshirt from in the step brothers movie??

  14. Jessica

    September 9, 2009 at 8:57 am

    How do i get my hands on the Yoda shirt from Step Brothers? i’ve looked everywhere but no one seems to know

  15. Jamie

    November 15, 2009 at 10:46 pm

    Where can I get the Bahamas Sailing t-shirt???

  16. Rachel

    November 21, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    I want to buy one of those converse shoe T-shirts if possible! Please let me know!

  17. nick

    December 11, 2009 at 3:16 pm

    I would like to buy a converse shoe T-shirt, like in stepbrothers. How can I find one

  18. robert

    December 28, 2009 at 3:00 am

    where can i get one of the sweet yoda shirts??

  19. Kieem baker

    January 18, 2010 at 12:06 pm

    I’ve been looking for that shirt for a minute… I gave up and just got it tatted with my son name on the side of the shoe.

  20. Becca

    January 26, 2010 at 2:19 am

    How do I get one of those converse shirts!!!!!!

  21. michael

    March 22, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    you can them at

  22. Derek

    August 3, 2010 at 6:36 pm

    How do i get that blue sailing bahamas shirt that u are holding?? the one in that picture, the shirt to the right?? i freakin love that shirt off of step brothers!! how can i get it!?!?

    THANKS!! 🙂

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