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Our Favorite Vintage Michael Jackson T-Shirt

vintage michael jackson t-shirt

In honor of the man in the mirror we riffled through our photo galleries to find the coolest vintage Michael Jackson t-shirt we’ve ever had. No we’re not trying to profit from his misfortune, we sold this shirt over two years ago, it’s long gone. We do, however, always preach that going throwback is the best way for any fan to show respect.

After a quick browse through eBay’s inventory, I’m amazed at the number of vintage designs emerging that I have never seen before.

Everyone always remembers where they were when something of like this happens. Sadly, I was at a Wendy’s restaurant. Even worse, I overheard the news of his cardiac arrest from a few employees while they prepared my Baconator combo. I was so disgusted with my poorly timed choice of unfriendly heart food that I threw my burger in the garbage.

Just kidding, it was delicious. I didn’t start feeling guilty about it until the coincidence dawned on me while scribing this post. Forgive me Michael.

Modern meltdown aside you have to be foolish not to respect vintage Michael. When I was 12 I completely idolized him. I even wore MJ buttons and here’s an embarrassing photo of me at the height of my fanhood to prove it.

vintage michael jackson pins

The buttons are long gone but my support for the Billie Jean bassline as the best one ever, remains. Yes, even better than Queen’s Another One Bites the Dust. Oops, forgive me again, Michael.

RIP vintage Michael Jackson.

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  1. Pingback: vintage Michael Jackson t-shirts collectibles | Vintage T-Shirts … | MICHAEL JACKSON CD

  2. Band t-shirts

    June 28, 2009 at 11:11 pm

    This is really nice and cool design. Thanks you.

  3. Thriftstore Cowboy

    June 29, 2009 at 7:49 pm

    WOW!(and I DON’T mean World of Warcraft!)

  4. Distro

    July 30, 2009 at 8:04 pm

    I am a fan of MJ and I like that design very much..

  5. Maury

    August 26, 2009 at 11:55 pm

    Dude, I love this blog!

  6. MissNay

    June 29, 2010 at 2:30 am

    You just be grateful your height of fanhood was buttons. I dressed like Michael for the vast majority of my childhood which would have been acceptable if I was a guy. But I wasn’t. Nor am I now. Annnnyway it didn’t exactly help the social aspect of school if you know what I mean, but I didn’t effing care. I just loved Michael. Still do, I just don’t dress like him anymore….in public….

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