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Easy Way to Make Your Tees Look and Feel Vintage

There’s a lot of hoopla circulating around the ‘net on how to vintage-ify new t-shirts. Apparently everyone loves that aged to perfection buttery soft feeling made famous by real vintage t-shirts. As a result, t-shirt manufacturers have been suggesting the use of toxic chemicals, copious amounts of water, energy and time to achieve vintage qualities in brand spanking new tees.

A spanking is what these brands deserve.

Why not just buy actual vintage t-shirts and skip all the fuss (and the dreaded muss.)

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  1. John King

    July 20, 2012 at 4:34 pm

    Great message! Recycle / Upcycle! Shared on FB.

  2. Bethany

    August 17, 2012 at 9:17 am


  3. dirtyduck

    January 1, 2014 at 8:39 pm

    i get what you are saying.. but i just noticed your have been bashing every other person that has been doing this to their shirts and blogging about it. you are not helping the cause by slamming would make the worst vegan i swear.

  4. defunkd

    January 2, 2014 at 3:27 pm

    Bashing? Every person? This is the only blog post about it. Little bit of an exaggeration there. But yes, we did get chippy with one gentleman on Men’s Health who falsely accused us of leveraging green for profits, when we weren’t profiting.

    Did you try it and it didn’t work? If we can prevent one person from wasting time and money going through this process, we’re happy.

    Can we agree the whole process is a little silly given vintage t-shirt are easy to acquire? And even more silly given none of these new-to-vintage formulas even work.

  5. dirtyduck

    January 2, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    there was another blogger (women this time). you dont even remember how many people you tried to put down. It might be silly but we humans do lots of stuff thats silly. Using a resource like salt and water…low on the list of pollutants.

    I have not tried it. I was interested because a shirt that i bought is really rough. i thought it would soften up with washing but it has not. what do you suggest i do? throw it away? NO! im going to fix the stupid thing.

  6. defunkd

    January 2, 2014 at 5:41 pm

    “Tried to put down” and “bashing” paint a completely false picture. Our banter is respectful we don’t resort to insults as you’re eluding to. And yes, we did go on a big campaign to make people aware of alternatives given these methods don’t work. Even if you’re cool with wasting water, money, time and energy (which some suggest using your drier) the end result doesn’t deliver what it promises.

    Also, take a look at the comments of numerous people who tried it unsuccessfully – they were part of our motivation behind the campaign. Many of them were quite mad about it…and not respectful.

    If the shirt is rough, it’s probably a low quality cotton and you wont be able to fast track softness. It may actually never come. Some vintage 100% cotton tees are still stiff after decades of washing. But no, you wouldn’t throw it away, you would recycle it.

  7. Sammi

    October 13, 2014 at 3:18 am

    Those weren’t actually the instructions, you typed in random shit to make people on Pinterest look bad. It’s a cup of salt to every quart of water for 3 days, wash with a tad of detergent, then dry.

    OH, and you need to stop lying:)

  8. defunkd

    October 13, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    Dearest Sammy – what we did was used several versions of actual instructions that are floating around out there (there’s life outside Pinterest believe it or not!) and complied them into one convenient recipe. We did this to drive a point home: it’s a waste, especially given it doesn’t work. If you read the comments on each recipes page, they’re ripe with people complaining that it didn’t deliver.

    If you tell me it worked for you – you’re either embarrassed about trying it (and YOU should lying) or one of the people behind these silly campaigns.

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