I Drew A Face On You While You Were Wearing My Hoodie!

Punny? Not even a little …

But courtesy of jkairit1, I can bring up a topic that Bob Shedd raised the other day. It’s a little tangential, but the picture of the dude wearing his girlfriend’s hooded sweatshirt made me think of it.

The topic: dudes who have “girly” shirts in their collections. It came up when Bob was reviewing a super fans swap list. He realized this dude had EVERY shirt imaginable by a particular band. And then he also noticed that the dude had a few “girly” shirts. By girly shirts, I’m talking about strapped tank tops or capped sleeve lady sizes. And he didn’t get it. Obviously this individual can’t actually wear the tshirt, so what’s the point in owning the shirt? That’s what I’m guessing was running through Bob’s mind at that moment.

So as a guy who owns a few Bane girl shirts**, I feel I can answer this question. And I think the answer is pretty simple. It’s a completionist mentality. Owning one of EVERY design is a goal. To complete that goal, at some point, you may have to purchase something that you’ll never wear. If a band makes a design for ladies only, to get that full collection, you have to pick up these items. From a vinyl perspective, think of the kid who buys an acetate. They’ll never play, but the OWN it. You see what I’m saying? It’s one more check box to that end goal. Personally, I try to ONLY buy tshirts I can wear. At this point, I own ZERO smalls. But if it’s a unique “ladies only” design, I’m picking it up.

** Side note: my first few Bane ladies shirts were actually purchased for my wife 12 years ago. But she isn’t really one for wearing core shirts. Wasn’t back then either. So I inherited them Thus a collection with girl shirts was born.

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