Okay I’m going to get this out there and then you can all boo me. I am a big Soundgarden fan. I think they were highly underrated and overshadowed by Pearl Jam and Nirvana. To me they are what the Seattle sound is. That is all I’m going to say, but believe me I will rant about this the next time I post a Soundgarden shirt. This particular shirt dcro8994 is selling is an odd Pushead design. No scary skulls or dead fetuses just a busted up tricycle. This shirt was done up for the song “Kickstand“. It also has the lyrics “Come stand me up” on the back. The color of this shirt is awful, it looks like split pea soup. But guess what I still own it, I bought it back in high school from Vibes a music store in downtown Princeton.
Soundgarden Pushead “Kickstand” shirt
90s Grunge Pushead rare seattle Soundgarden Superunknown
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