Nothing about the initial appearance of this shirt warrants a WTF? tag. In fact, it appears to be pretty straight forward mid 90s hardcore wear. Everything looks giant (but nothing is super oddly placed, 96 was obviously AFTER the weird screen placement phase) and coloroful. A very mid 90s design overall.
The WTF the moment is the tshirt brand.
What kind of “fall off the back of a truck” brand is Wild Oats? Seriously. In my book, Wild Oats is a great cafe in Brunswick Maine that has DUMB good sandwiches. They have NOTHING to do with tshirt brands despite being located next door to the first Bull Moose store*. I could go for one of their hummus and sprout sandwiches right now. A full sandwich, with a bag of cape cod chips and a nice lemonade. Hook that up!
* Not the first location of the first Bull Moose store, of course. Same town, stones throw from the first spot.