THE classic Bold shirt. How many bands have copied this kinda logo/shirt design of the band name with bars on top and bottom? This particular shirt is in a pretty awesome colorways as well. Light grey with green and black print. It looks to be a “short and wide” but it has no pit stains so its a little bit of give and take. Ill be honest though, I couldnt tell you the last time I listened to bold on purpose. Last time by accident was it came up on itunes after I was listening to Body Count(on purpose). Crippled Youth on the other hand. That gets regular spins. I dont know, they sound angrier and that is my style. I may not listen to Bold often but I would rock the shit out of this shirt and if you love America you probably will too.xxxevilxxx666 says this is the first colorway. Can any Bold nerds enthusiasts confirm that?