Death To False Barney

Remember that Death To False Metal Deadguy shirt I posted up just a few days back? It languished at $7 and ended with one bidder. This Death To False Metal (no, not that Death To False Metal, Jim), has a 9 day auction period and is already up to $5.50. The catch? It’s purple. Bright flipping purple. How is it that dudes didn’t jump on the black shirt, but a purple shirt gets bids? I’m so confused. I do appreciate the description from bnahoum1974, though.

It’s ugly, it’s purple, but it’s Deadguy. I have no clue what Tony Victory was rolling around in his bald head when he printed up shirts in this color, but I bought it anyway. Got on their ’96 tour when they played with Bloodlet at The Soul Kitchen in El Cajon, CA.

You can’t argue with that.

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