Earlier today, Casali posted up the lowest of lows of Stop And Think merch (minus perhaps the Think With Cali tee. An effrontery to any American’s sense of patriotism … well, maybe not that bad. Actually, the colors are great. If the United States wasn’t so warped, it’d be the best shirt ever). So I will present you the flipside from my good friend cut_down (who has a shit ton of great merch up now. Seriously, check it). This is perhaps the pinnacle of Stop And Think merch. It also happens to be one of the first tees Stop And Think did. They came out of the gates with a banger. The very first shirt was this design in grey with black ink, but they really stepped up with this one. Red and yellow? Classic schism colors, add that Straight Ahead vibe and you can consider it crushed. Do yourself a favor, and snag this one before Jonny Cen sees it.
Stop And Thinker Shirt
boston stop and think straight edge
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