Trading Up (in size) …
All right people. Time for ANOTHER new service. That’s right. A new service. Trading up is just what you think it is. It’s trading your current shirts for new and other shirts. All these shirts are size medium. I need size larges. I’d like the same or similar designs. All original minus the following: Raw […]
Terror – Life And Death Baseball Tee
I think I was saying something about a magnet. Seriously. For the record, Terror is amazing. I caught them over the weekend on the 10 For 10 tour. And while it was the longest show imaginable, it had many fine moments, the Terror set was one of them. When Vogel told the crowd to make […]
New to hardcore?
Suppose today is day one of your hardcore “life.” You have nothing. No shirts, no vinyl, no street cred. What are you going to do? Well, you could surf over to merchdirect, and buy 5 shirts. Then you could surf over to and buy 5 more shirts. And so forth. Or you could buy […]