Noontime Tees.

Some more stuff here from our buddy icegrillz05. We got a couple Title Fight tees…. …lil bit of TUI… … as well as a couple from the New Scene, along with one from a certain Standhard fronted LOC era predecessor. Good stuff, all of it. Dude has so many tees for sale. There are even […]

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Sweat It Out: Alternative

Morgado provided some examples for people to sweat it out previously. However, his mention of “old school gym rat” left out my favorite stereotype. He forgot to mention the construction worker / handy man/ member of Trapped Under Ice look. You know, the guy who wears timbs and cargo shorts to the gym. Fear not, […]

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Ravens Stink

There is some great Trapped Under Ice merch up on ebay now. But nothing beats the comment from our friend icegrillz05, “Ravens Stink.” Could be hyperbole considering their 7-3 record, but I think I have to agree with the sentiment. Also check out the other merch from bowmanp1234 and redneckstomp. 2009 basketball jersey? Hot. Black […]

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Attn: Big Guys With Good Taste In Music

… who also appreciate one hell of a bargain. What you see here are two items from redneckstomp. The Foundation hood is a 2XL, the Trapped Under Ice tee is an XL. Both end in less than a day. Both are under $1. Hell, the Trapped Under Ice tee doesn’t even have a bid on […]

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TU1’s Ist Shirt.

Sometimes, it’s better to just let a description speak for itself. Take it away, superosse: so this is the first trapped under ice shirt ever printed. they printed this one with sams face (old bassist) and one with the singers face (big black jurtice) printed in the colors of the star sprankeled banner. after that […]


Friday Buy It Nows on the cheap.

WoooooHooo Ebay seller champion_xxx has some low dollar Buy It Nows for this balmy Friday afternoon. There are a few more than what I posted here, so be sure to check out the other auctions. $8 Cold World shirt $10 Reaper Records/United Blood shirt $8 Trapped Under Ice shirt $10 Reign Supreme long sleeve


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