
Suicidal Tendencies – Baseball Jersey

Can you imagine hitting up the company softball game in this jersey? Just picture it, Marie from accounting is on first, Paul from HR is over on short stop and Phil from IT is catching. They all peep your shirt, scratch their heads furiously and begin to question your sanity. Because, this isn’t just a Suicidal Tendencies baseball jersey. Not at all. In reality, it’s just a SUICIDAL baseball jersey.

Yeap, people will think you are crazy. They’ll start avoiding you at company picnics. And when you head to the bubbler, they will quickly move away. Pretty soon, they’ll start whispering behind your SUICIDAL back. Ah yes, life is good.

Vintage Suicidal Tendencies – Baseball Jersey tee

Vintage Suicidal Tendencies – Baseball Jersey tee

I bet you could launch the ball at least 6 extra feet while wearing this jersey.

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