
Pulp For Pulp.

I myself am a proud owner of this dime store novel inspired Blood For Blood shirt being sold by xbestoneyetx, and the description is right on: these fit snug. Fortunately, since I bought it straight from the BFB merch table in the late 90s (ie when the wearing shirts a size too big thing still hadn’t quite died off), I bought mine a size larger than I actually wore. As such, it now fits me perfectly.

Vintage Pulp For Pulp. tee

I know I’ve said that I’m long over wearing shirts with noticeable swearing, but that is over ridden by two things: 1. my intense love of Blood For Blood and 2. my extreme love of old pulp fiction and dime store crime novels. I actually have a pretty decent collection of them, mostly salvaged from the quarter bins that all the local libraries around me seem to have. In fact, I’ve actually been looking for an excuse to post some of the ones I’ve found on the ‘bay; sadly there is currently no Pulp Noize.

Vintage Pulp For Pulp. tee

Vintage Pulp For Pulp. tee

Vintage Pulp For Pulp. tee

I’d post some of the Parker novels on my watch list, but if you stole them out from under me I’d have to go all Lee Marvin on you.

Vintage Pulp For Pulp. tee

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  1. By Morgado Revue of Books: The Hot Rock. on 11/11/2010 at 2:39 PM

    […] that’s totally ridiculous. But today, I want to stretch that definition. Why? Because, as I have pointed out before, there is no Pulp Noize or Book Noize, so I have to find creative excuses to post about authors and […]

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