
Early In My Eyes Shirt Bonanza

This seller has some real gems.

Each of these shirts is pushing 10 years. Some are pushing 13 years. That’s no joke.

In My Eyes always came strong with tshirt designs. They knew the importance of branding. In fact, it seems only a few IME shirts got away WITHOUT the “Boston Straight Edge” moniker. Of course, I am a big supporter of that moniker on most of the clothes I wear**.

Demo Tee. Low key, keeping it classic. Great look.

Vintage Early In My Eyes Shirt Bonanza tee

We’ll have to get AP to verify, but I believe this is his fingerprint. It was created on a piece of paper with blood. Or so I seem to recall.

Vintage Early In My Eyes Shirt Bonanza tee

Break the mold, obviously.

Vintage Early In My Eyes Shirt Bonanza tee

This has nothing to do with In My Eyes.

Vintage Early In My Eyes Shirt Bonanza tee

Except the seller thinks it does …

this is for all you boston hardcore kids show your love like in my eyes!

Yeah, I don’t get it either. Maybe he confused Ten Yard Fight and In My Eyes. Not sure how you could confuse First And Ten with Built On Trust though.

** Sadly, I was never a Boston resident. There aren’t any Hudson Straight Edge bands either. Weak.

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  1. Polprav says:

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  2. b. murphy says:

    Of course. Don’t forget that link back, dude! I look forward to reading your post.

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