Seller underthaknife states that “I need to afford Christmas for my family and friends. Hopefully selling this can help towards that.” Good plan and all, but that is the ONLY thing he is selling. I’m not sure it’s going to help much. Anyway on to the description. Seller states that this was limited to 15 and was sold at This Is Hardcore 2010. Can someone from MOM confirm for us?
This would make the perfect gift for my grandfather. He loves these rope brimmed snapbacks. Usually they have some World War 2 slogan on them, but he’s 84 and it’s time he branched out.
I know very few were made and most of them looked real bad( some of the image didn’t stick ) this one looks pretty good to compared to most i’ve seen.
Is this band named after Samhain, Iron Maiden, or neither?
samhain me thinks
There are probably about 15, but there were only 1-2 sold, probably. Most of them turned out really badly, so most were just given to friends. That is probably the nicest looking one.