This is the same design as the first TYF demo shirt. The original shirt was white with navy ink. Very crucial. I have one but it is a mid-90s XL. HUUUUUUGE. I remember the first time I heard the TYF demo. It was on the way to a show at “the garage” in New Haven, CT. I think it was a Hatebreed show. Regardless I remember being so stoked on the demo in the car on the way to the show. The demo was probably better than the show as it was decemeber and like -10 degrees out and the show being in an actual garage was also freezing.
Ten Yard Fight – Hardcore Pride shirt
boston Ten Yard Fight the straight edge
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The first, original, demo shirt was actually Blue with white ink and it was only one color. The version you have there is the version printed by EVR later. The original was printed by ourselves (TYF) in our apartment.