
Inside Out shirt

I looks like loop88 is back with more crucial gear. This time it is an Inside Out Revelation Records shirt. Here is what he has to say about it

“Inside Out 7” No Spiritual Surrender shirt=I’m pretty sure I traded for this shirt from Chris from the band Countervail in 98’ and he had it for a longtime before that. His name comes to mind as I recall him getting rid of a lot of things and I was there to pickup what he didn’t want. To this day, I have yet to see this shirt ever or even knew about it back in the day when Inside Out was around. So this is a pretty special shirt, having the 7” lyric sheet artwork with pictures of each member. Inside Out without a doubt, brought a new element of emotion to HC in such an organic way, it is almost hard to explain. They weren’t around for too long, but their impact was felt around the world in my eye’s. They were an important part of Orange County/San Diego Hardcore and were embraced by all of us back then!! Let’s put it this way, they were beyond the dumb jock youth crew stuff that all of us fell into, they made me realize there is more to think about……. “

Nice shirt with some nice history. If you have been looking for one of these, it’s time for action.

Vintage Inside Out shirt tee

Vintage Inside Out shirt tee

Vintage Inside Out shirt tee

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  1. Nicole says:

    What size is this shirt? If it’s a small I’d like to buy it!

  2. b. murphy says:

    Click the pic, go to ebay. Easy.

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