I used to own one of these Bridge 9 versions of the “It’s Ok Not To Drink” tee like the one being sold by bigxdig…
I got mine way back in 1996. Unlike this one, that one had a Bridge 9 sleeve print, and the blue ones had white ink. Now, since this was 1996, I bought it in a size way too large for my then shrimpy frame. Eventually, looking like you had a Snuggie for a shirt became passe, and I ended up cutting off the sleeves and halving the shirt so that it would still be wearable. But I held on to the Bridge 9 sleeve for some reason, and in 2004 or so I decided to throw it on eBay as a gag, listed as a “Bridge 9 Records sleeve hat”. Unbelievably, some one bought it for 5 dollars, then emailed me complaining that despite it describing it as a cut off shirt sleeve and a sleeve hat, they still thought it was an actual hat…
No, I did not give them a refund.
Hahah, what a good story.
yo wtf my sleeve hat is just a piece of sleeve?! I’m filing a claim!
what a GYP