
Helmet Meantime Tour Tee

I love Helmet.

I remember buying this cassette as a beb and literally wearing it out. Meantime was ill. And it was all courtesy of sneaking MTV when my parents weren’t looking. Such a great album.

This is a tour tee, probably 92 or 93 released. They hit up both Providence and Boston. Civic Center and Garden? Dunno. Anyone know?

Vintage Helmet Meantime Tour Tee tee

Vintage Helmet Meantime Tour Tee tee

I just read on the internet that Page Hamilton played guitar and did guest vocals on a Norma Jean song. Yuck.

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  1. Tom Z says:

    I know they played at Babyhead but I believe it was before Unsung hit MTV. I think for this tour they played at Lupos. Possibly with Orange 9mm or Clutch. I think I still have the flyer actually…

  2. Casali says:

    My vote is for the STRAND

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