
Fahrenheit 451.

Confession time: I have moshed to Fahrenheit 451. I know that’s not a shocking confession, but the thing is… it was to their Fugazi cover. And I’m pretty sure that I was REALLY psyched to do so.

Vintage Fahrenheit 451. tee


I tried to give F451 a listen again a couple years ago, didn’t really hold up for me. I’m still into the NY’s Hardest comp tracks tho, and Blind is still capable of getting stuck in my head…


Vintage Fahrenheit 451. tee

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  1. xactionxjacksonx says:

    <– is a fan of f451, but not of pit stains.

  2. Hawki5 says:

    One of the most underrated and overlooked bands. Songs on the NYH comp kill. The EP they put out on SFT is gorgeous…get into it.

  3. brian/ivwt says:

    I had this in a RED ringer shirt

    I win

  4. b. murphy says:

    Your concept of winning is different than mine …

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