Oh you thought I was done with the NYHC goodies for today did you? How about this Straight Ahead ringer for sale by newcopcar? Is that rare enough for you? This has the same tags as my Straight Ahead tour ringer and looks real deal to this guy. Straight Ahead ringers are the only ringers I can get behind! Check out this great description as well.
“You are bidding on an original STRAIGHT AHEAD t-shirt. The original ringer tee from ’87-’88! I would love to know exactly how many of these were made, and I’d be even more curious as to how many are still floating around out there. Incredible band; how is it that the NYC Mayhem stuff got reissued before the Straight Ahead stuff? I would STILL take these guys, especially live, over YOT. Just untouchable; Tommy Carroll is one of my favorite hardcore frontmen ever; up there with Bloodclot, Brannon and pre-sweatpants HR. I remember seeing them listed on some of the original ads for “The Way It Is” compilation and I can’t help but wonder how the history/legacy of the band would have played out if they were included on that comp instead of, say,Trip 6 (no disrespect to Trip 6, love them and still have the GTA discog). What if the Gorilla Biscuits 7″ had come out on Some/I RISK as originally planned and the Straight Ahead 12″ came out on Revelation? What if Tommy Carroll had never squared off with a pre-Merauder Sob at CBs? SO MANY QUESTIONS! “
its getting hot in here
wow just wow!