
Jacob Bannon: Jane Doe X Integrity Print


Integ Doe?

I like Integ Doe. This could be Integ Doe 256 Bit. Or just 2 bit, really, I guess. I think that’d be a Nerd X Artist joke, despite me being only one of those. Obviously.

As for the image? I don’t know how to take it.

The Integrity logo is classic to me. Like mid 90s classic. One of the bands that stood the test of time and brought this great graphic with them. 15 years later, you know?

The Jane Doe graphic is probably more of a modern classic. This graphic started dropping back in 2001. A little more modern, but not groundbreaking new, that’s for sure. And since Converge was playing out way back in 94, I’ll give it to them.

Jacob Bannon really does have his moments. And you know this, man!

Vintage Jacob Bannon: Jane Doe X Integrity Print tee

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  1. Jayb says:

    First time seeing this. I’m not up on my deathwish merch.
    I’m into it. Would probably look a million times better a real frame. I stead of that shitty dorm room poster frame

  2. sdfsdf says:

    4 year old post. I WANT THIS. where can i find it?

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