
Into Another old shirt

As a Connecticut native it should be in my blood to love Into Another. We are pretty much the post-HC capital of the world. It seems like every CT dude I know from the generation of HC before mine is fanatical about post-HC. You could not go to a show in CT in the 90s without seeing multiple people in into another, quicksand, supertouch,(other “grooving” type bands) gear. If you were at the Burn reunion(recording) show in CT in the late 90s youd understand. People crawled out of the wood work for that one and lost their minds. I know at least one dude off the top of my head that has the Into Another logo tattooed on him since the mid/early 90s. I fucks with a lot of the post core bands mentions but I must admit I am still trying to figure out IA. Im listening to them as I type this. In fact its gonna be my new years resolution – Get into Into Another. Wish me luck
Vintage Into Another old shirt tee
Vintage Into Another old shirt tee

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One Comment

  1. Marco says:

    First album rules. 2nd and 3rd, not too much.

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