
Knee Deep In The Dead

I’m a big Swarm fan. You may or may not know that. Mostly, it stems back to a good friend of mine joining the band, Loubob. I met Lou back in 97. At the time, he was probably the coolest dude I knew. He drove a great car, played in a great band (Barrit), had a hot girlfriend and a giant tv. We’d roll to his apartment to watch football or play Goldeneye (he had the only tv that made 4 player NOT suck). Overall, awesome dude.

Then he moved to Canada.

What’s up with that? Of course, you can blame a girl. It’s always a girl, right? Alex, who played in Acrid. This opened the door to him meeting people in TO and eventually getting a bass playing gig in The Swarm. So it started with me supporting my friend, but quickly turned to me enjoying the hell out of the music. The 10″ is great. As much as I hate weird sized vinyl, the songs are just brutal. You’d catch me moshing to them, no doubt.

We even tried to book them onto this big gig we were throwing at WPI. Bane, Buried Alive and The Swarm. They ended up not being able to make it and we happily substituted Reach The Sky (who were gracious enough to get down with the show on very short notice). I was also supposed to go see The Swarm’s last show gigs, but my ride fell through. Sadly, I was aware that other friends had planned to roll and even had an empty seat. D’oh.

This was the tshirt sold at the last gig. Pretty good look. Oddly, you could still pick these tees up AFTER the gig. I think Eric Z (I think) had the screens and was screening them even a year or two after the band ended. That’s where I got mine.

The only Swarm tee I don’t have (again, I think) was limited to 5. It featured the runaway car logo giant on the front of a black tee. Given to each band member. If anyone has one, hit me up.

Vintage Knee Deep In The Dead tee

Vintage Knee Deep In The Dead tee

crushedonyou has some more great auctions up so make sure to check them out.Vintage Knee Deep In The Dead tee

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